"Tourism contributes significantly to global gross domestic product, and is forecast to grow at an annual 4%, thus outpacing many other economic sectors... The rapid increase in tourism demand is effectively outstripping the decarbonization of tourism-related technology. We project that, due to its high carbon intensity and continuing growth, tourism will constitute a growing part of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions..."
I risultati della ricerca condotta nell'University of Sydney, University of Queensland e National Cheng Kung Universitym è pubblicata (con accesso riservato) con il titolo The carbon footprint of global tourism su "Nature Climate Change".
- in italiano L’impronta di carbonio del turismo globale è 4 volte più pesante di quanto si pensasse, su Greenreport.it,
- in inglese The carbon footprint of tourism revealed (it’s bigger than we thought), su "The Conversation".